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Union of Nations Project


The Union of Nations Project is a worldbuilding project aiming to simulate what a post-capitalist, net-zero emissions, partly decolonized Earth in Human Era year 12,100 (A.D. 2100) might look like.

The main visual that will be used to illustrate this alternate future is maps.

This page will display a selection of those maps.

Timeline Information

The timeline in which this scenario is set diverges from our own in 11,990 H.E., shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall in our timeline.

The Union of Nations government itself is formed in 12,025 after two decades of international turmoil caused by a late Soviet collapse and resulting crises in the imperial core (USA & NATO).

A major contributor to the present day (12,100) set of Nations is the American Decolonization Protocol, issued in 12,035 and lasting through 12,065. This protocol returned large parts of the Americas back to native peoples & Nations. This project would later be replicated to lesser extents in Australia, Africa, and elsewhere.

Regional Maps

Due to unavoidable compression, the smallest text may not be readable.

select National Maps

Due to unavoidable compression, the smallest text may not be readable.

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